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发布日期:2024-06-24 浏览次数:



2024.1至今 中央财经大学 助理教授(讲师)

2019.8 – 2023.8肯特州立大学 翻译学 博士学位 (导师:Brian James Baer

2016.9 – 2019.6 中国人民大学 翻译理论与实践 学术硕士

2009.9 – 2013.7 青岛科技大学 英语语言文学 学士










Yingmei Liu. (2021). Robert Alter. The Art of Bible Translation. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2019. xvi + 127 pp. Translation Review, 108(1), pp 111-115. (A&HCI)

Yingmei Liu, & Brian James Baer (2022). The Role of Translation Criticism in the Development of British Sinology: A Case Study of The China Review: Or, Notes and Queries on the Far East (1872 – 1901). Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies.ESCI

Yingmei Liu. (2022). Trine Villumsen Berling, Ulrik Pram Gad, Karen Lund Petersen and Ole Wæver. Translations of Security: A Framework for the Study of Unwanted Futures. Oxon and London: Routledge, 2022. 221 pp. Babel.SSCI A&HCI

Brian James Baer, & Yingmei Liu (2022). “Queer” in Translation: The Case of Radclyffe Hall’s The Well of Loneliness. TranscUlturAl A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies, 14(1): pp. 4-20.

Kelly Washbourne, & Yingmei Liu (2023). “To study is not to create something but to create oneself”: An Ontological Turn in Translator Education and Training. The Interpreter and

Translator Trainer.SSCI A&HCI

Yingmei Liu (2023). Translation and Cold War Politics: A Comparative Study of the Introduction of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus in Taiwan and in the Mainland of China. New

Voices in Translation Studies.


2022 年的 11 19 日在利兹大学举办的 APTIS(英国和爱尔兰翻译学协会)学术会议上宣读翻译教学论文 To study is not to create something but to create oneself: An Ontological Turn in Translator Education and Training 学习不是创造什么,而是创造自己:翻译教育与培训的本体论转向)。

2022 年的 6 30 日到 7 2 日在法国举办的第四届东亚翻译学学术会议上宣读论文 The Introduction of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus in the Key Journals of Taiwan during the Cold War (冷战时期,萨特和加缪在台湾的关键期刊上的译介)。

2022 3 31 日到 4 3 日在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校举办的美国翻译学协会学术会议上宣读了论文 The Introduction of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus in the Key Journals of Taiwan during the Cold War (冷战时期,萨特和加缪在台湾的关键期刊上的译介)。

2021 8 16 日到 17 日在英国的利兹大学举办的第一届中英翻译学术论坛上宣读论文 Translation Criticism and the Emergent Field of Sinology in the British Empire: Case Study of the journal The China Review: Or, Notes and Queries on the Far East (1872-1901) (翻译批评和英国汉学的兴起:以《中国评论》这份期刊为案例)。

2021 6 11 日到 12 日在香港理工大学举办的 2021 International Conference on Translation Studies in East Asia: Tradition, Transition, Transcendence 翻译学术会议上宣读论文。

